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        Brief Introduction to Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine

          Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine is a comprehensive Grade III-Class A hospital of traditional Chinese and western medicine, a national key hospital of traditional Chinese and western medicine, one of the first batch of the national standardized training bases for resident doctors of TCM, a famous hospital of TCM in Guangdong Province, the Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and the rheumatology clinical research base of Macau University of Science and Technology. The hospital was awarded many honors, such as the “Medical Poverty Alleviation Contribution Award” of the State, the “Outstanding Hospital Management Team” in Guangdong Province, the “Price Integrity Unit” in Guangzhou Medical System, the “Civilized Unit” in Huadu District and the “Integrity Services Window”.


          The hospital covers an area of 56,000 square meters, with a service area of 102,000 square meters and 628 authorized beds. It offers more than 50 clinical departments with distinctive features and significant effect, including Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Acupuncture, Stomatology and Emergency Department; there are more than 1,140 employees, including 158 senior professional technicians, 208 intermediate professional technician, 188 masters and doctors, 33 professor or associate professor hired by Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and Nanfang Hospital. The hospital has a large number of advanced diagnostic and treatment equipment, including MRI, spiral CT, digital subtraction DSA system, DR/CR system, 4D color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic system. The annual outpatient and inpatient visits are 1,120,000 and 25,000 respectively, and the annual service volume comes out on top in the traditional Chinese medicine system of Guangzhou.